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Buying tips on 

(shop safely) 

Search Often: 

In your specific area, there are literally thousands of new posts every day.

So if you’re searching for a freezer you might want to search for “Freezer”

everyday or every other day to make sure you don’t miss a great deal. 

Ask Lots of Questions:: 

You are in control here so don’t let the seller “push you around”.

If they don’t have a picture, ask for them to email you one or two. 

And if they only post a picture of the product from a retail website,

ask them for an ACTUAL picture of the item in their home. 

If they don’t have the dimensions posted, ask for them.If they don’t have their location posted, ask. 

If they don’t have the price listed, ask. Make sure you know what IS and IS NOT included.

Ask if they have the manuals, warranties, spare parts, etc. You get the idea! 

You can even try asking them if they would be willing to deliver — or at least meet you halfway.

You’d be surprised how many people are willing to do this — especially with smaller items. 

Email Whenever Possible: 

Sometimes the sellers only provide a phone number, but if there is an email address,

I will use that every time because then it’s “trackable”. 

I can look back through my email conversations if I forget the seller’s name, address, or phone number. 

I can also refer back to the questions I’ve asked them and the answers they gave me. 

Test Your Purchases: 

Obviously, this doesn’t apply to every purchase, but for many purchases,

it is important to adequately “test” it out before you hand over your money. 

When we purchased our grill, we specifically asked him to have

the propane tank hooked up so we could test all the burners. 

When I buy furniture, I make sure it is fully assembled when I go to look, at it so I can test every drawer, every cabinet door, etc. 

When I purchased my baby monitor, I fully tested all the features before agreeing to the sale. 

Don’t “No Show”: 

Seriously, there is NOTHING more frustrating than a buyer who says they will show up at a certain time and then doesn’t.

If you say you will be there… then be there; and if something comes up, then at least call the seller and explain that you

can’t make it or ask if you can come 15/20 minutes late.