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Category: Poultry
Description: Roosters
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Full Description
Keeping a rooster with your flock has been a tradition for centuries. However, it is optional and your girls will still lay happily without one. It has been argued that having a rooster will not increase egg production but we firmly beleive that this is not the case as hens are much more realxed when the rooster is in charge. It also prevents one of your girls from having to fill the alpha male position that they need to develop their pecking order.

Many people believe that a Rooster’s primary function is just to fertilise the hens eggs so that they can be used for hathcing. But this is not the case;

Roosters are walking breathing warning systems. If something with sharp teeth or talon is afoot, you can be sure the rooster is going to spot it first and round up the girls.

We have a large selection of breeds available throughout the year. Choose your breed in the dropdown below.

We know that Roosters are not as productive as laying hens but unfortunatley, they still require the same amount of care and in most cases consume more feed in the rearing period. We also have to pay the same price for these birds as day olds soB this is why we have to charge a small fee for them.
Section Chickens
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