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Category: Poultry
Description: Leghorn
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Full Description
The Leghorn chickens are prolific egg layers that are capable of laying over 320 white eggs per year. This exceptional egg laying ability is reinforced by an unmatched feed to egg ratio making them very popular among both backyard flocks and free range production!

Although gentle in nature they are very attentive and rather shy which makes them flighty in comparison to other hybrids.

Leghorns are smaller than most other hybrids but they lay large white eggs. Because of their smaller frame, they consume less feed which in turn increases their feed to egg ratio.

What is the difference between White egg shells and Brown eggs shells?

Our Answer; There is no difference between White egg shells and brown egg shells. Although some people claim that the yolk of a white shelled egg is sweeter they both offer the same nutritional content.

Age at Time Of Lay 22 Weeks
Number of eggs per year 320pcs
Average Egg Weight 62g
Total Egg Mass 18.5kg
Feed consumption per day 105g
Colour of egg shell White
Temperament Gentle & Shy in Nature
Section Chickens
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