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Kerva for Grain Enhanced Feed
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Category: Fertilizers
Description: Kerva for Grain Enhanced Feed
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Full Description
Benefits of Kerva treated grain for feed

✓Treating grain with KERVA produces nutritionally enhanced feed (increased protein content by 30% approx.), reducing the need for additional protein in the diet

✓ KERVA increases the pH of the grain (pH 8.5-9.0) which results in better rumen buffering and a reduction in acidosis and laminitis

✓ It is possible to safely feed higher levels of concentrate and concentrates with a higher level of grains when using KERVA treated grain

✓ KERVA improves feed intake and fibre digestion in the rumen

✓ The higher pH of KERVA grain ensures grain can be stored on farm for longer periods and without aeration.

KERVA increases grain protein levels by approximately 30% crude protein, reducing the need for purchasing additional protein sources.

Current cost per unit of protein is €7, a 3.5% protein increase is worth €24.50/tonne grain.

Why Livestock Farmers should feed KERVA treated grain?
KERVA can be fed to both Beef cattle, store cattle and dairy cows some of the benefits are as follows:

It is possible to safely feed higher levels of concentrate and concentrates with a higher level of grains when using KERVA treated grain
Healthier animals, reduces acidosis and laminitis
Improved feed intakes
Lower costs and improved profitability
Beef animals

✓ Better growth rates, and fat scores

Dairy cows

✓ Improved milk production, volumes, solids and fats

✓ Better condition during lactation

✓ Improved fertility

Why Farmers like KERVA treated Grain?

✓ Grains are easier to treat

✓ Less requirements for purchased expensive proteins

✓ No fermentation losses or waste (in comparison to crimp)

✓ Longer shelf live in storage in comparison to other grain treatments

✓ Cost effective method of storage
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