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Fridge Freezer - Dark Graphite
€1 180
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Category: Installed Appliances
Description: LG GSL460ICEV American-Style Fridge Freezer - Dark Graphite
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Full Description
Product features
179 x 91.2 x 71.7 cm (H x W x D)
Fridge: 394 litres / Freezer: 197 litres
Total frost free
Water & ice dispenser (requires plumbing)
Fan cooling creates the ideal conditions in your fridge

Go greener

Fridges with food freshness features help to preserve your food for longer. That means you won`t find wilting veg that needs to be chucked away – and helping to reduce waste!
Capacity for days

The LG GSL460ICEV American-Style Fridge Freezer has more than enough space for all your family`s grocery. With its 591 litres of capacity it will easily fit a weekly shopping. And you can neatly organise everything into shelves, door compartments and drawers.

Inverter Linear Compressor

LG`s own Linear Compressor keeps the GSL460ICEV running quietly and efficiently. This means you won`t need to be disrupted by the noise of your fridge while you do other things around the house. It also has a 10 year warranty so you have the peace of mind.

If there ever is a problem, you can pair the fridge to your phone via the LG ThinQ app for smart diagnosis.

Quench your thirst

It`s a hot summery day and all you can think of is some nice crushed ice to top up your drink. The plumbed water and ice dispenser means you can instantly keep your drinks cool so you can focus on entertaining guests and spend less time worrying about making their drinks perfect.

Moist balance crisper

Keep your fruit and vegetables fresher for longer with the moist balance crisper. Moisture that is stored in the other parts of the fridge condenses onto the crisper to keep the correct level of moisture inside so that iceberg lettuce will stay nice and crispy for your salad.
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Format For Sale
Appliances Fridge Freezer
Condition New