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Aylesbury Off Heat Duckling (Female)
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Category: Poultry
Description: Aylesbury Off Heat Duckling (Female)
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Full Description
Aylesbury ducks are a dual purpose bird which means that they can be used for both meat and egg laying purposes.

Off Heat Ducklings are between 3 to 4 weeks old at the time of sale.

They can be processed for meat when 7-8 weeks old. Between weeks 9-14 they get a new set of feathers and plucking is difficult.

From weeks 14-17 heavier weights are achieved with males achieving weights of 10-12 lbs and heavier and females from 9-11 lbs.

After week 17 birds move to a reproduction mode and with good management, egg laying will commence by week 30.

More information on raising ducks for egg production

What is the difference between Day Old and Off Heat Birds?
Section Ducks
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