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Aylesbury Day Old Duckling (Female)
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Category: Poultry
Description: Aylesbury Day Old Duckling (Female)
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Full Description
Aylesbury ducks are a dual purpose bird which means that they can be used for both meat and egg laying purposes.

They can be processed for meat when 7-8 weeks old. Between weeks 9-14 they get a new set of feathers and plucking is difficult.

From weeks 14-17 heavier weights are achieved with males achieving weights of 10-12 lbs and heavier and females from 9-11 lbs.

After week 17 birds move to a reproduction mode and with good management, egg laying will commence by week 30.

Day Old Ducklings still require external heat in the form of a heat lamp or an electric heat plate.

Ducks are very socialable animals and cannot survive on their own that is why our minimum order quantiy is 3 ducklings.

More information on raising Day Old Ducklings
Section Ducks
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