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AMN BonaVita Organic Soil Stimulant
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Category: Fertilizers
Description: An organic plant and soil additive containting proteins, amino acids and vitamins which feed and promote soil micro-organisms.
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Full Description
An organic plant and soil additive containting proteins, amino acids and vitamins which feed and promote soil micro-organisms.

Plant Growth Stimulator
After more than a decade of studying the substances found in the supremely fertile priveval forest soils of the world, BonaVita was formulated to introduce a range of the nutrients found there into cultivated soils.

Contains proteins, amino acids and vitamins which feed the plants and soil micro-organisms including Mycorrhiza fungi.
The improved soil biology can reduce fertilizer requirements by 30%
Can be sprayed or added to irrigation systems.
Can be used on sensitive plants.
Composed of plant extracts and organic residues from food production.
Shake well before use.
Mix at a rate of 1-5ml per litre of water (0.1-0.5%)
Apply every 2 weeks of the growing season.
Once mixed, use within 24 Hours.
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