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American-Style Fridge Freezer - Inox
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Category: Installed Appliances
Description: LOGIK LSSBSS20 American-Style Fridge Freezer - Inox
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Product features
177 x 90.5 x 57.5 cm (H x W x D)
Fridge: 291 litres / Freezer: 145 litres
No need to defrost with frost free technology
Fast chill rapidly lowers the temperature inside the fridge
Fast freeze rapidly lowers the temperature inside the freezer

Massive capacity

Got a large family to feed? Then you`ll need a large refrigerator, too. The Logik LSSBSS20 American-Style Fridge Freezer fits the bill. It has a colossal amount of space for your entire weekly shopping, with plenty of shelves, and a salad crisper drawer for your leafy greens and veg.

Fast freeze

We all know that feeling of packing the groceries quickly before they defrost. Thankfully the LSSBSS20 has a quick freeze function that speeds up the freezing process, making sure your newly purchased food doesn`t thaw out. It`s a lifesaver if you`ve got a long trip from supermarket to home.

Easy touch controls

Forget about complicated settings, the LSSBSS20 American-Style Fridge Freezer is easy to use, thanks to simple touch controls. Control the temperature of both the fridge and the freezer in an instant, as well as selecting from Smart or Eco mode.

Total frost free

The days of having to scrape ice from your freezer are gone thanks to frost free technology. It means you won`t have to do anything to maintain your freezer, as ice and frost is prevented from building up.

A++ energy efficiency

This American-style fridge freezer is rated A++ for energy efficiency, which means it`s more eco-friendly to run than standard appliances, with the added benefit of saving you more money on your energy bills.
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Format For Sale
Appliances Fridge Freezer
Condition New